Area 32 Service Resources
Montana Area Goals and Purpose*
Last update: Fall 2022
We are effectively applying our Mission and Vision statements to our Area by using the spiritual principles of Al-Anon/Alateen. Montana AFG continues to support WSO’s plan by adopting our Montana AFG’s goals and utilizing the wisdom found in the WSO Core Values, Goals and Envisioned Future.WSO Core Values, Goals, and Envisioned Future
Montana Area Vision Statement
To ensure that all Al-Anon/Alateen groups in Montana participate in the worldwide spiritually based organization that helps the families and friends of alcoholics connect and support each other through meetings, information, and shared experiences.
Montana Area Mission Statement
To collect and distribute information, initiate projects, and make recommendations that support Al-Anon/Alateen at all levels.
*Note: The Montana AFG Goals and Purpose, Mission, and Vision Statements will be reviewed at the end of each three-year panel for discussion.
Area 32 Guidelines and Handbook
Area 32 Maps

District Representative
Group Representative
Area By-laws
KBDM - Knowledge Based Decision Making
Acronyms & Definitions
Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Definitions
CAL - Conference Approved Literature
Conference Approved Literature (CAL)
- Conference Approved Literature (CAL) are books, pamphlets, and service tools conceptually approved by the World Service Conference (WSC). They are written by and for Al‐Anon and Alateen members. Once developed, this material undergoes a rigorous process of review established by the WSC to assure it is identifiably Al‐Anon in content and feeling, and consistently reflects Al‐Anon’s principles. The CAL warehouse is located at WSO in Virginia Beach, VA. CAL is identifiable by the CAL seal below. This seal is found at the bottom of the copyright page of each CAL: Approved by the World Conference Al-Anon Family Groups.
AA literature is not CAL.
The Forum is the monthly magazine in which Al‐Anon and Alateen members share their experiences. It is “The Voice of the Fellowship,” a forum where individual members and groups can be heard. The Forum Staff at the WSO, with assistance from a volunteer committee, edits the letters and articles sent from all over the world. This assures a publication that a broad‐based international audience can understand and use for growth in the program. It also offers meeting ideas and materials for use in group discussions.
LDC - Literature Distribution Center
Literature Distribution Center (LDC) provides Al‐Anon members with local access and quick delivery of Al‐Anon Conference Approved Literature (CAL), including books, pamphlets, booklets, kits, posters, and other Al‐Anon material.
- Montana LDC Coordinator stocks and sells CAL from the city where he/she resides. The coordinator orders books from WSO. Link to directory?
- Montana Area LDC is where books are stored, sold, and stocked. The LDC Coordinator oversees the LDC as part of his/her service position. The LDC only stocks and sells CAL. It does not sell any outside literature.
- AA literature is not CAL.
- LDCs in Montana:
- Kalispell – District 1
- Billings – District 7
- Missoula – District 10
- Helena – District 11
Book order information
Montana Area LDC is registered with the WSO therefore, they are given an LDC number that provides them with a 17% discount on all CAL. Literature can also be ordered on the WSO website. If CAL is ordered through the Area or District LDCs, they make a small profit.
- Literature orders must be placed at least once per calendar year to maintain registration with WSO.
- The LDC may not sell materials below the WSO price or provide rebates that result in a price below the WSO price. However, LDCs may add a surcharge for postage and handling as well as local sales tax.
Montana AWSC Committees
Assembly Tools
Voting Card Guidelines
Alternate Delegate
Area Alateen Coordinator
Area Archives Coordinator
Area Chairperson
Area Forum Coordinator
Area Group Records
Area Literature Distribution Coordinator
Area Public Outreach Coordinator
Area Registrar
Area Secretary
Area Treasurer
Area Website Coordinator
Resume for Area position
Copyright & Trademark Guide
Copy and Trademark Guide
Protection of Al-Anon trademark and copyright is essential to safeguarding our primary purpose: to help the friends and families of alcoholics. Without such protection, our Al-Anon message of hope could be harmed by those who might choose to use our trademark to represent outside interests.
“The descriptive text of Concept Twelve, Warranty Four states: ‘It has been said, Al-Anon is prepared to give away its knowledge and experience—all except the Al-Anon name itself.” We do not wish to monopolize them. 2023 Conference Summary pg 35-37
Common Violations of Copyright
- Reproducing Conference Approved Literature
- Using the Al-Anon Logo or Name on Social Media Pages or Websites
- Modifying the Al-Anon or Alateen Logo
Permission to Use
The Steps are under the A.A. copyright. A.A. has permitted us to use the Steps.
It is okay to use the triangle and the circle Al-Alanon trademark. Members cannot insert anything into the symbol; that violates the trademark.
- Al-Anon name & logo may be used by members, groups, and registered service arms event flyers, registered service arm websites and social media pages. There should always be space all around our logo. It should stand out. (ie not placed on top of a map…etc)
- The Steps, Traditions, and Concepts cannot be changed without the consent of three-quarters of the groups around the world.
- Area website reprint permission for the Steps and Traditions is allowed during the time the website is available.
- The “Help and Hope for Alcoholics”: tagline under the logo is not copyrighted or trademarked so is not in violation.
- Ask permission, if you are going to sell jewelry or crafts that use the Al-Anon logo, we want you to ask for permission.
- Within the fellowship, we know that a love gift or fundraiser item may possibly have the logo displayed. You do not need to police this. Our focus is on working to protect our name at the public level.
- Members can post online only the items that say they can be posted. Pamphlets are not to be posted on Area websites or social media; those are copyrighted. The Guidelines can be posted and state that. Forum articles may be posted is the copyright statement is shared.
Use CAL in meetings
- Groups may photocopy or post CAL readings for the duration of the meeting only.
- No changes may be made to CAL literature without the written consent of three-quarters of the Al-Anon groups.
- Groups are granted permission to share or display any copyrighted materials during their meetings as long as the groups are registered with WSO.
- Members may photocopy Conference Approved Literature (and The Forum) for use in registered Al-Anon/Alateen groups or at service arm workshops without written permission, provided that
- it is for one-time use (such as for a meeting topic or workshop),
- the photocopy is limited to the number of members attending and what can be reasonably discussed within one meeting,
- the material is not for sale or being distributed beyond that one meeting or workshop. Cannot be taken home.
- you include the following credit line, “From _(title of publication)__, copyright 20__, by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc. One-time reprint permission granted by Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.”
- CAL is available and for sale to members, groups, and districts in three ways: by mail, at Area Assemblies, and through local District LDCs.